Cas Public returns to the Linbury Theatre with a piece inspired by dancers hearing impairment

Cas Public, photographed by Damien Siqueiros

Canadian dance Company Cas Public are renowned for their passionate and daring physicality, the Company makes a welcome return to the Linbury Theatre this half term with Belgian youth theatre company Kopergietery performing 9 which takes inspiration from dancer Cai Glover’s hearing impairment. Set to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, 9 plays with music and silence, celebrating their differences in a journey of sensation in a work for both children and adults.

Cas Public, photographed by Damien Siqueiros
Cas Public, photographed by Damien Siqueiros

Choreographed by Hélène Blackburn9 questions how we capture the grandeur of music if, like Beethoven, our hearing is impaired. Blackburn takes inspiration from Cai Glover, himself a deaf dancer to explore the sensation of listening to a musical masterpiece without hearing.

Running for 50 minutes without interval, 9 is perfect for half term activities.

Cas Public, photographed by Damien Siqueiros
Cas Public, photographed by Damien Siqueiros